Saturday, September 15, 2012

August 21 2012 Minutes S.W.S.N.A.

OPENING PRAYER:  The opening prayer was given by Lou
DIGNITARIES:  Councilman Larry Coulouris, Andrew Wendt, Officer Jeff Madaj CPO, Officer Redgy Williams CPO, Officer Wortley, Lieutenant Dave Kenjorski, Officer Scott Bickel CPO. 
MINUTES:  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the July 17th 2012 meeting.
PRESIDENT:  Jose` talked about the fireworks quieting down.  There is a lot of breaking and entering’s going on right now.  Please be aware of this and be on the lookout for any unusual goings on.
TREASURER:  We had a balance of $242.39 we had a $16.00 donation; this brought our balance to $258.39.
Gary Clarke said they have had gun shots on the corner of elm.  There were shell casings found at a house on Vermont St.  Gary, Elmer, and Sammy are out driving every night.
Officer Redgy Williams read to us a text from Sheriff Federspiel saying at this time he has washed his hands of the County taking over the Saginaw City Police Department.  They are under contract with the City Of Saginaw until the year 2014.  He isn’t getting involved with that contract.
Officer Wortley spoke to us about a possible merger with the Saginaw City Fire and Police.  The City Of Saginaw is looking into this.
There will be another demonstration at Saginaw City Hall August 27th 2012 to keep our Saginaw City Police and CPO’S.  Time is at 5:15 P.M.
Lieutenant David Kendziorski said we are down to 84 officers.  Response time is discouraging; please call your CPO’s or the non-emergency telephone number 989-797-4590.  Our CPOs telephone # is 233-6722.  His name is Officer Jeff Madaj.
Officer Jeff Madaj CPO:  Jeff told us that outside cameras can be pointed at your neighbors’ house as long as they are not pointed at a bathroom window etc. for privacy.  Jeff would like to have (4) four of our CPOs go to school to learn how to do finger printing, and to learn how to lift the prints.  Jeff is working on loud music in our association area.  There is a lot of breaking and entering’s going on right now.  They are stealing flat screen TVs, video games etc.  Area neighborhood patrol is going on from 10:00 pm-2:00 am until we get the SVP up and running.  VIP classes will be Sept. 7th, 14th, and 21st. from 6:00 pm until 9:00 or 9:30 pm.  Michigan State Police helicopter is patrolling along with 6 officers.  The money is coming from the State.   John Stemple will let us know about Board Up this year.
Officer Scott Bickel CPO:  Scott has been working with the Landlords on his crime free housing addendum.  The landlords will put this with their lease.  It states if a crime has been committed in the home they are renting from the landlord, I.E. Drug crimes etc.  The landlord can remove the tenant with a 24 hour notice and they are out.  It just takes one day eviction notice now.  It went into effect as of August 21st 2012.

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