Sunday, March 11, 2012


Meeting called to order: by Jose Barajas at 6:30 pm. 28 people attendance

Opening Prayer: by Reverend Tucker Gunneman

Dignitaries Present: CPO,Brian Wilson,Scott Bickel, Ben Krzminski, Freddie Mata, Kyle Brandon,Reverend tucker Gunneman.

Motion: was made to approve the minutes from the November 15 2011 minutes by Ric and seconded by Don, motion carried.

Treasure's report: Previous balance in our account was $207.83. Donations at the last meeting were $5.00. Current balance is 217.83.

Secretaries Report: All of the Neighborhood Watch Signs are now up as of the first week of January. All post and signs are accounted for. Thank you to all who helped in making this effort such a huge success. Thanks again to Debbie Murphy from the Jerome school district and to all parent teachers' help.

Vice President: Deanna wanted everyone to know she has changed the sign in sheets to exclude the do not call box. She will take into account three times of getting an answering machine or no answer, taking that name off the list. Deanna suggests we leave the do not call numbers on in case we need to call that number for an Amber Alert or a Food Drive.

If you are moving out of your home or apartment and you are putting trash out to the cur, please call 399-1311 for Rob Davis. Or call 759-1424 between the hours of 8-9 AM and 1-2 PM.

President: We will now have Officer Scott Bickel tell us about the program bullying in our schools.

Office Bickel: Some officers are going into the Merrill Park School, Kempton School and Stone School right now going through a bullying issue in the school systems. The Officer will go to the school once a week, or once a month for an assembly to talk about bullying. These are setup right now for 5th graders only at this time. They would love to go into the Junior High Schools eventually. It is an eight week program at this time. There are 10-15 signs of bullying. If a child is displaying 3 or more of these signs, they may be being bullies. Go to to find out more about this. The next schools they are going into will be Jerome, Loomis, and Zilwaukee. The officers took questions from the group.

We had 29 in attendance.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

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