Meeting called to order: by Jose @6:30 P.M.
Dignitaries: Larry Coulouris, Kevin
Wilkins, Director of Animal Control
Old Business: Jose` asked for a motion to
approve the May Minutes of 2013. Motion
was made and seconded and approved.
Motion Passed.
Treasurer Report: Pat announced she works at the
Red Cross. If you would like to donate
or help out in the Moore Oklahoma Disaster, call 754-8181, press number 1 and
that will put you directly in touch with Pat.
Last month we had $496.25. We had
$15.00 from our 50-50, $10.00 for signs, and a $3.00 donation. Bringing our total to, $524.25
President’s Report: Smoke Detectors are available
from the fire department, call 759-1393.
Red Cross is looking for donations for Oklahoma Disaster. We have issue sheets up front for anyone with
Councilman Larry Coulouris: On the 2nd Saturday of
every month the City has a drop off across the street from City Hall for trash
etc. You can call 399-1311 for details.
Deanna Virciglio: Call Mosquito Control @ 755-5711
if you have tires. You can drop them off
@ 211 Congress Ave. You will need your
I.D. to show them. This starts after
June 5th. John Stemple from
S.E.I.N.I.C. had someone pick up the Planet Aid Drop Box on Maple. City Ordinance, Rummage. You are allowed 1 rummage sale a year and
only for 3 days. You are allowed to put
a sign in your yard and your neighbor’s yard with permission from the
Ric Russell: Ric said he cut at 2200 block of
Hamilton, and Mead and Michigan for 4 and ½ hours. He has no help.
Jan McCurry: Jan asked about La Placida on
Michigan. She talked about planting
trees or something in the area. It was
mentioned that the entire block should be taken down. The City will cut the encroachment and 4 feet
inside of the sidewalk. We are going to
see if we can get Tom Miller from the County Land Bank for our next meeting.
Kevin Wilkins: Director of the Animal Control
moved here from Wisconsin, he is originally from Illinois. He would like it if some people would come
into Animal Control and sign up for volunteering. He talked about never relocating wild
animals. He suggests that you trap them
and take them to animal control. He said
if you relocate them to a nature center for instance, they could have a disease
and give it to other animals. We are
down to 3 animal control officers. This
is hurting response time. Animal Control
now has a staff of 26. Threating animals
have top priority. If it is an
emergency, call the police 911. You can
always drop an animal off at the shelter.
There is a fenced off area in the back that you can take them to. Dog packs are up quite a bit this year. Euthanasia is 60% down. Fees are $125.00 for a dog, spayed or
neutered shots etc. There is a $90.00
fee for all cats. They respond to farm
animal’s complaints and horses.
50-50 drawing: There was $27.00 in the
50-50. The winning ticket was #
280894. The winner took home
$14.00. The rest goes to the
Don’t forget about Neighborhood Watch
signs. They are $2.00 a sign. Ask a board member for them.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:41 P.M.
President: Jose` Barajas
Vice President: Kerry Conrad
Recording Secretary: Cathy Wagner
Treasurer: Pat McCloy
Event Coordinator: Debbie Murphy
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